+57 310 865 0640

Audit Services

powered by Applex

Auditores de Éxito SAP

Rigurosidad Que Genera Resultados

Con auditorías SAP detalladas, elevamos los estándares de calidad y eficiencia de tus proyectos.

Servicio de Auditoría

We have expert and trained professionals for continuous advice and support in all types of projects, whether they are Roll-outs, Implementations, Improvements, Upgrades, Migrations.
At the different stages, we will guide you from the definitions, kick-off, support during testing, auditing in deliveries, support and stabilization, tasks that will guarantee the proposed results.
We design activities according to the type of project as part of the support from start to finish:
  • Project planning - quality assurance management.
  • Software testing process flow.
  • Quality assurance plan.
  • Definition of data loading processes.
  • Creation of the test plan, scenarios associated with types of tests, whether functional or not, linked to the quality assurance plan.
  • Execution of the test cases previously defined in the plan, leaving evidence of the results whether in case of acceptance or rejection.
  • Progress reports and monitoring of the tests carried out in the plan.
  • Quality management in deliverables
  • Methodology monitoring
  • Audit
Our experts in Project Management and Direction will advise and accompany you from the 'Zero Stage' of your SAP implementation projects to ensure the expected outcome.